A collection of materials to facilitate the development of responsible research and researcher assessment policies and practices.
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Position papers
For: Funders
This is a short report summarizing the key takeaways from a workshop co-organized by the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA), the University of Bristol, Elizabeth Blackwell Institute for Health Research, and the MoreBrains Cooperative. The aim of the online workshop was to develop actions to improve the processes that take place before research is…
Position papers
For: FundersResearch institutes
In February 2022, DORA organized the online workshop series “Using Narrative CVs: Identifying shared objectives and monitoring effectiveness” in partnership with FORGEN CoP, Science Foundation Ireland, the Swiss National Science Foundation, UK Research and Innovation, and the University of Bristol, Elizabeth Blackwell Institute for Health Research. The aim of the workshop was to develop a…
Advocacy resourcesGood practicesPosition papers
For: FundersJournals and publishersProfessional societiesResearch institutes
There is a growing recognition that current evaluation metrics often fail to capture the breadth and depth of research impact. In hopes of addressing the reform needed in the research world the Global Young Academy, the InterAcademy Partnership, and the International Science Council have collaborated in conducting a global assessment of research evaluation perspectives. Their…
Policies and guidancePosition papers
For: Research institutes
This work-in-progress paper outlines actions taken to implement the University Research Assessment Project led by the Center for Interuniversity Development (CINDA). CINDA is a specialist Latin American and European network that includes universities from over 15 countries. CINDA members manage inter-university collaborations, generate and disseminate knowledge, and contribute to the development of higher education and university management…
Position papers
For: Professional societiesResearch institutes
Using a bottom-up approach, the Latin American Forum for Research Assessment (FOLEC) developed a proposal for a declaration of 10 principles that frame the discussion about research assessment in the Latin American and Caribbean (Latac) context. As such, the proposal outlines principles for assessment reform in Latac. These principles fall into the following categories: Principles…
Position papers
For: FundersResearch institutes
In this report, the authors consolidate the key learnings from a workshop hosted by DORA and Funding Organisations for Gender Equality Community of Practice (FORGEN CoP) on the adoption of narrative CVs for funding organizations. The workshop took place in the Fall of 2021 with more than 120 participants from 22 countries and more than…
Position papersTools
For: FundersResearch institutes
This is a report that describes mechanisms and approaches to improve and incentivize the recording, the evaluation, and the recognition of contributions to Open Scholarship practice. It presents a digital resource called the Openness Profile (OP) and describes how the OP can help address existing gaps in the assessment of open science. Developed by consultants…
Position papers
For: Research institutes
The Open Science movement has the potential to create opportunities to also reform scholarly assessment practices to acknowledge and reward publication in Open Access journals, data sharing, and a broader range of research outputs. The European University Association (EUA) conducted a survey from October 2020 to January 2021 of the level of development of Open…
Position papers
For: Research institutes
The European University Association (EUA) published a report based on the results of the 2019 EUA Open Science and Open Access Survey on Research Assessment. The report provided an overview of the current state of research assessment at 260 European universities across 32 countries. The report discusses why and how European institutions are reviewing their…
Position papers
For: Professional societiesResearch institutes
The 2018 European University Association (EUA) roadmap was approved by the EUA Council at its meeting on 4 April 2018, in Zurich (Switzerland). This roadmap addresses the assessment of research outcomes, researchers and research units and organizations (laboratories, research centers and universities). The main objective of the roadmap is to raise awareness and support European…
Good practicesPosition papers
For: Research institutes
In this article, Jonathan Grant outlines nine cases that highlight examples of new academic incentives at multiple levels (e.g., system, institution, and individual level). These include: System-Level Examples like the United Kingdom Research Excellence Framework (REF), which reviews the quality of research conducted at universities in the United Kingdom, including societal impact and research environment.…
Position papers
For: FundersResearch institutes
This is the final report of EOSC Co-Creation projects: “European overview of career merit systems” and “Vision for research data in research careers.” It builds on extensive document overview, survey, case-studies and co-creation processes to argue for FAIReR academic assessments that are rooted in the FAIR guidelines for data management, as well as policies for…
Position papers
For: Funders
The United Kingdom Research and Innovation (UKRI) in collaboration with the UK Forum for Responsible Research Metrics and the National Research Foundation (NRF) in South Africa delivered a Global Research Council Virtual Conference on Responsible Research Assessment (RRA) in November 2020. International speakers presented existing practices and approaches to responsible research assessment (RRA). Funders discussed…
Position papers
For: FundersJournals and publishersResearch institutes
This is the 2020 final report from the European Open Science Policy Platform (OSPP) that provides an update on the adoption of their Open Science recommendations (OSPP-REC, 2017) and their transformation on PCIs (Practical Commitments for Implementation). The OSPP is an advisory group established by the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation of the European Commission…
Good practicesPosition papers
For: Research institutes
In support of the Dutch Recognition and Rewards Programme, Leiden University published a position paper “Academia in Motion: Recognition & Rewards at Leiden University” in 2021. In 2020, Leiden University’s Executive Board established a Recognition & Rewards steering committee made up of staff from a variety of positions and roles. The goals of the Recognition…
Case studiesPosition papers
For: FundersResearch institutes
This report and the accompanying online repository bring together and analyze case studies in institutional change for academic career assessment. Gathered by DORA, together with the European University Association and SPARC Europe, the case studies serve as inspiration for universities and other actors looking to improve their policies and practices.
Position papers
For: Funders
In partnership with the Research on Research Institute (RoRI), CWTS-Leiden, and National Research Foundation of South Africa, DORA published a position paper providing a state-of-play of responsible research assessment (RRA) practices from funders.
Good practicesPosition papersTools
For: FundersResearch institutes
The IDRC in Canada developed a tool called Research Quality Plus (RQ+) to assess applied and translational research.
Good practicesPosition papers
For: Funders
Evaluation of Research Careers fully Acknowledging Open Science Practices, a report released by the European Commission in 2017, recognizes the emerging Open Science movement creates an opportunity to develop an evaluation system for hiring and promotion that is focused on the equal treatment of applicants.
Good practicesPosition papers
For: Research institutes
The cover letter plays a significant role in the initial assessment of candidates for assistant faculty positions in the Department of Cell Biology at UT Southwestern Medical Center and is used to reduce some of the biases associated with CVs, such as research pedigree or whether candidates have published in brand name journals.
Good practicesPosition papers
For: Professional societiesResearch institutes
The Federation released a report in 2017 to support the ongoing conversation in Canada about the assessment of research impact in the Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS).
InitiativesPosition papers
The Metric Tide was published in July 2015, and provides an extensive review of the literature on peer review, the use of metrics and altmetrics, and a statistical analysis of the predictive power of various numerical indicators (including the JIF).
Position papersTools
The National Academy of Sciences in the United States created a webpage to track journals that are engaging in fair authorship practices.
InitiativesPosition papers
For: FundersProfessional societiesResearch institutes
Dutch public knowledge institutions and research funders published a position paper ‘Room for Everyone’s Talent‘ rethinking their academic reward and recognition systems.
InitiativesPosition papers
For: Research institutes
A working group set up by the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies produced guidelines to improve how researchers are assessed in Finland. The report provides a set of general principles (transparency, integrity, fairness, competence, and diversity) that apply throughout 13 recommended good practices to improve four aspects of researcher evaluation.